Bagamoyo Prepares to Host the First Spiritan General Chapter in Africa

It is by the ocean that First Spiritans arrived at Bagamoyo
A Church Monument at Bagamoyo
Catholic Museum, Bagamoyo

The famous Baobab at Bagamoyo Parish  compound

Spiritan Center Bagamoyo

This is where lay many Spiritan confreres

Msalabani Restaurant

Maris Stellas Hostel in final touches to host General Chapter 

Spiritan Postulancy at Kitopeni, Bagamoyo under construction

The would be chapel for Spiritan Postulancy at Bagamoyo

Part of the Spiritan Postulancy buildings under construction

Commentaires a dit…
this is so beautiful and inspiring, may the General Chapter to be held at Bagamoyo inflame in us all that fervent zeal which inflamed our Two Founders to preach the Word to the down trodden and those who have scarcely heard it. Asante sana na kila musipiritan abarikiwe sana na tena sana!! Kelvin CSSp.
Anonyme a dit…
Kudos to all Spiritans worldwide. I am proud to have been one of you, though for one reason or another I had to quit in 1991. May the Holy Spirit guide you in his holy mission.


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