This 26th May the auxiliary bishop of Arusha, Rev Bp Prosper Lyimo ordained to priesthood three deacons: Dismas John Masswae, Calvin Aloysius Massawe and Carol Ludovic Shirima at Ngarenaro Catholic Parish in Arusha.
Newly ordained priests wearing liturgical vestments during ordination mass at Ngarenaro Parish |
Following their ordination, and being members of the Spiritan missionary congregation, they have received their missionary appointments. Fr Carol Shirima is appointed to Tanzania while Calvin Massawe to France and Dismas Massawe to Guadeloupe (French Islands in the Caribean).
Three newly ordained brothers have nurtured their spiritan vocation since their years of A-level at Usa Seminary. Fr Calvin was born in October 9, 1983 and two months later was born Dismas Massawe precisely on 27th December 1983. After Usa Seminary, postulancy in Kampala, philosophical studies at Njiro Arusha and novitiate at Magamba, Calvin and Dismas made their commitment to Spiritan religious life on 24th June 2010. They were appointed to France for theological studies in 2010. They were ordained deacon in September 6, 2015 in Paris following their final religious commitment to the Spiritan life the day before.
From right: Dismas Massawe, Calvin Massawe |
On the other hand, Fr Carol Shirima was born at Monduli on 22nd October 1984. His Spiritan vocation was nurtured by his A-level studies at Usa Seminary where he met Calvin and Dismas one class ahead fo him. He then joined postulancy, followed by philosophy at Njiro and novitiate at Magamba, Lushoto. He made his vows on 23rd June 2011. He then joined other spiritan scholastics at Nairobi for theology. He was ordained deacon on September 19, 2015 at Lang'ata, Nairobi.
From right 1st row: Frs Karol Shirma, Calvin Massawe and Dismas Massawe, on the 2nd row from left: Frs Amandus Kapele (Tanzania provincial superior), Castory Kisuda and Bishop Prosper Lyimo |
Dismas Massawe |
Photos courtesy of classmates and Whatsapp groups